Insurance – AFL National Risk Programme

All registered football players, officials and volunteers are covered forinsurance via the AFL National Risk Protection Programme. Any player, official or volunteer suffering an injury during playing or training(any club activity) is able to make a claim. Please note, there are only certain treatments that can be claimed for: Refer to below table or click here for AFL Insurance PDS & policy wording. It is recommended that families seek their own private health insurance also.

Please note, there is no cover for loss of income so players are recommendedto pursue their own insurance coverage. You can obtain a quote via JLT the AFL National Risk Programme provider. If a claim is to be made, you can either download a claim form or submit theclaim online. The club administrator or a board member will need or authorisethe claim. Our club cover is “Silver”.

Click here for details

We have developed an incident form that needs be completed when anyplayer, umpire, coach or volunteer suffers an injury, Game day or Training,